Thursday, December 23, 2010

That Extra Turkey in the Freezer...

Last night Anne came home from work with the gift of a frozen turkey compliments of her company. When I placed it in our freezer I noticed we still had the one from last year. It haunted me all night. We have an extra turkey in our freezer. There are people who are suffering and we have an extra turkey in our freezer. It doesn't sound fair.

This morning I'm going to take both turkeys to a local agency called Love INC. Before I take it I'm going to go through my closet and grab an extra coat. While I'm at it I'm going to see if there are any games or toys around that are gathering dust.

Since Christmas is only a couple days away and I'll surely be getting more stuff, maybe today is a day for giving to those we do not know.

A week ago while traveling north or here I stopped by a Walmart. There in the parking lot stood a man holding a sign simply saying: I will do any work to buy toys for my kids. My initial reaction was that there are places that help people in need. But then I thought more about what his sign said. It didn't say he wanted a handout. Instead it said he was wanting to do work so HE could purchase toys for his kids.

We as a nation are going through a time of suffering. Way too many people are out of work. Far too many families have lost their homes. If there is any time to help those in need it is now.

Today, this minute. Please take a look in your freezer for any food you have that is not needed to feed your family. Then go through your closets and look for any clothing, toys or other extra items. Bundle them all up and put them in your car. Then drive to the closest shelter, agency or church that help those in need within your community and drop them off. It will make you feel good while helping those who are in need of a helping hand. Especially in this the most festive time of year.

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